Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Season of Change

Hello everybody, it has been awhile. I have tried to write this post so many times, but I cannot keep all of my ideas organized. I am going to try really hard this time to actually push publish by the end of the day, wish me luck.

First off, let's all celebrate the first day of Fall/Autumn (or whatever you would like to call it). Fall is by far my favorite season; the smells, colors, and weather are all so amazing. But with every new season comes changes. When it comes to fall, you can finally wear your sweaters comfortably. Changing your sheets from the regular ones to flannel is also a fantastic change when Fall finally rolls around.

Just like the seasons of weather, there are real seasons that you go through in your life that require changes. Recently I have been experiencing a new season of life. College has brought on a lot of changes. I have learned that during these changes the most important thing to do is to trust in the LORD.

Trusting the LORD should not be a hard thing, yet it is for most of us. I have been thinking about the story of Isaac and Abraham. For those of you who haven't heard the story, or can't remember it, I will give you a quick summary. Abraham was a servant of God, he waited for 100 years to have a son that God had promised him. Not so patiently, he waited. Then, boom bam his 80 year old wife had a baby. When Isaac was young, God told Abraham to climb a mountain with him and offer Isaac as a sacrifice. I know this sounds crazy, but hold on! When they got to the top of the mountain Abraham was about to kill Isaac, trusting God with all of his heart, and God saw that, and told him to stop, and he supplied a lamb for them to sacrifice instead. When I think about why I had problems trusting God, it does not even compare to A) climbing a mountain (do you know how hard it is to climb a mountain), and B) Seriously though, killing my son I had just waited 100 years for.

God is sovereign. He knows exactly what is best for us every moment of the day. After I finally listened to what I was being called to do, the peace that fell over me was so amazing. I cannot even describe how it felt. If you have ever felt convicted of something but for some reason you think you know best, I encourage you to listen and go where He is leading you.

Okay now that you have listened to what is going on in my life, I will share pictures, which we all know is the most exciting part.

For those of you who know about my obsession with Ad Astra in Salina, Arrow is the closest thing that I can find to replace it. If you are in Manhattan now, or if you ever decide to visit I highly recommend it!

This is the bridge that you have to cross in order to hike the Konza Prairie. If you have not been to the Konza before, just wait until you see the rest of the pictures and you will want to come and hike it.

At this point on the trail it seriously looks like you are in Europe, with all of the colorful fields.

This was taken right at sunset, which was beautiful.

This hike is quite the treck, but nothing compared to Abraham and Isaac.
This is a sunflower field right by the stadium, that Jenna and Andrea (my roommates) decided to take pictures in.

One day while doing homework on campus, i realized K-State might possibly be the world record holder for the largest spork.

This is home to the best donuts on earth!

This is home to the best donuts at night time!

Thank you all for reading. I hope to post more often, it has just been really busy lately. If you have any great story's about trusting God please feel free to share them through the comments or in an email. Have a great start to Fall!!