Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Home

What a whirl wind this past week has been. I got all moved in to my new house on Saturday. My parents and little sister were amazing, they helped me get  settled in. Keith Short, who is a good buddy of mine, and his parents also helped transport my stuff down to Manhattan. I could not have got everything here if it were not for these wonderful people.

Several people have been wondering why I decided to move in so early, let me explain. I really want to find a great church before school starts, or at least start visiting some. I also wanted to get completely settled into my new home. I finally finished putting everything, and I mean everything away today. Another reason for the early arrival was the fact that I wanted to start meeting new people ASAP, and I have.

Seriously, moving down early was one of the best decision I have made. The people that I have met so far have been such great help with giving advice and direction for this next year in my life. Seeing how these new friends are letting their lights shine for Christ is truly inspirational, and I only hope I am doing the same.

For those of you who will be joining me in Manhattan in a few short days/weeks I cannot wait for you all to experience this amazing atmosphere, you will all love it. 

Just in case you were/are waiting to see the big reveal of my room (not that anyone is but...) here are some pictures! Also, please comment if you have any great ideas for me to do while in Manhattan, or any fun college experiences, I would love to hear all about them.
This is where I will be doing most of my studying.

This is my dresser, which is my pride and joy, because I built it myself. (Thanks to the help of several others.)

The beautiful quilt on my bed was given to me by my amazing grandparents.
This is my mini library, it is probably my favorite part of the room.

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